Moving Wisconsin Career Professionals Forward

Speaker Bureau

WCDA members are encouraged to contact each other for collaborative projects and speaking engagements.

Contact information and topics are included below.

Last Name

First Name

E-Mail Address




Career development and planning, career resources / information, job search strategy, Resumes / cover letters, Interviewing / mock interviews, Informational Interviewing / networking. Skills identification / transferable skills, performance improvement / employee coaching



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, skills identification / transferable skills



Career resources / information, Job search strategy, Resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking



Resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, skills identification/transferable skills, social media/digital presence



Career resources / information, Job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills, performance improvement / employee coaching



Career development and planning, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning, career assessments, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, social media / digital presence



Career development and planning, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills, social media / digital presence, performance improvement / employee coaching



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, performance improvement / employee coaching

 L0 Mollie mollie@lotusmentoring.netCareer to Entrepreneurship Transition, LinkedIn Optimization & Monetization, Career & Business Coaching



Career development and planning, job search strategy, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, resumes / cover letters



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills, social media / digital presence



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, skills identification / transferable skills



Job search strategy, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills



Resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning, career resources / information, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills, social media / digital presence

 Nicely Busack


Job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational Interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills, social media / digital presence



Job search strategy, resumes / cover letters



Career development and planning, career assessments, career resources / information, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, skills identification / transferable skills, performance improvement / employee coaching



Career development and planning, career resources / information, job search strategy, interviewing / mock interviews, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning



Career development and planning, career resources / information, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews, informational Interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills



Career development and planning, job search strategy, resumes / cover letters, interviewing / mock interviews



Career assessments, performance improvement / employee coaching



Career development and planning, informational interviewing / networking, skills identification / transferable skills, social media / digital presence



Career development and instructional technology

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