Moving Wisconsin Career Professionals Forward

Moving Wisconsin Career Professionals Forward

WCDA Spring 2014 PDI - Job Search Best Practices: Successful Strategies and Techniques

  • 08 May 2014
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Waukesha County Technical College in Pewaukee, WI, RTA Center, Rooms (C051/C057)


  • (Includes membership fee, continental breakfast & lunch)
  • (Includes continental breakfast & lunch)

Registration is closed


8:00-8:30 am:  Check in/Breakfast



LARRY DOMINE, Individualized Technical Studies, Program Coordinator/Information Technology, Instructor Milwaukee Area Technical College

The Professional Persona:  Using Social Media as a component of job search

The hunt has changed. It is not about searching for a job today as it is being found. Key search criteria relay heavily on activity with Social Media. Maintaining a persona as a professional individual that is active and interested in their career field is a critical component for career success. Developing a professional persona using Social Media will be presented.

Population served by technique(s):

College students or anyone in a professional track



CARLA LOVEK, MS, CPRW Career Specialist, Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Waukesha County Technical College

Rock that Resume

Employers receive dozens-sometimes hundreds-of resumes each week.  This presentation will provide participants with key highlights for developing a professional resume that illustrates skills and qualifications in an organized, easy to read format. 

Population served by technique(s):   Adult Job Seekers


MARIE KOKO, CFCC, CFJST Career Counselor / Certified Federal Job Search Trainer and Career Coach

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Finding and Applying for Government Jobs:  How to help your clients/students succeed

Are your students/clients interested in working for state or federal agencies but confused or disheartened by the process?  Do you wish you knew how to help them but just don’t know where to begin?  At this presentation a Certified Federal Career Coach and Job Search trainer will walk you through some of the basics, provide you with valuable resources, and answer your questions so that the next time someone comes to you frustrated with USAJobs or WISCJobs, you will know how to help them.

Population served by technique(s):  College students, Recent Grads, Veterans, Disability Candidates, Adult Job Seekers



MYRON DAUBERT, LPC, JD Employment and Training Counselor

La Crosse Job Center

Using LinkedIn as a Portfolio

LinkedIn continues to evolve and become more powerful as a tool for career and professional development.  A well-developed LinkedIn Profile is often the first item when one does an internet search for one's name.  Take advantage of that and develop an impressive portfolio that is available to potential employers with the press of a mouse key.

Population served by technique(s):  Almost any job seeker can benefit from an impressive LinkedIn Portfolio.




University of Wisconsin-Madison

Authentic Interviewing

This session will focus on encouraging career counselors to help clients/students to effectively and authentically communicate in interview situations. The subjects addressed include body language, responding to questions, asking follow-ups, and post-interview strategies.

Population served by technique(s):   Adult Job Seekers


SHAYLEA STENSVEN, Career Counselor

University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Y Myth: Motivating Millennials in the Workplace

Generation Y, otherwise known as the millennial generation, has been defined as the unmotivated generation. If that is true, how do we motivate this new generation in the workforce? This interactive workshop will discuss the different lenses of generations and how we can utilize what we know to help discover generational motivations in the workplace.  Participants will self-define their generational lens and will gain more knowledge of other generations and their motivations.  Additionally, participants will be able to take back ideas for building successful relationships with millennial workers.

Population served by technique(s):   All Job Seekers



3:50-4:00 pm: Spring PD CLOSE



Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC), Pewaukee, WI, RTA Center, (Rooms C051/C057)

Parking is free on campus

Click here for directions and a map of WCTC


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